Be Seen As a Leader

Do you feel like your voice isn't always heard in a meeting?

I've found this to be a struggle my whole life, even in high school where we sat around round tables to facilitate discussion in every class. Sometimes I share an idea, only to have it re-shared again by someone else as if it hadn't been said before. In a recent meeting, a colleague said to me, "you've shared only three things today but they were on point." 

It made me think: how can I make sure this happens ALL the time - that is, that I'm actually heard by the group?

On this episode of the Business Made Simple podcast, guest Karen Laos shared three things you can do in a meeting in order to stop getting side-lined or talked over in meetings. You can use this advice in a virtual or in-person work meeting, board meeting, or in a community organization.

1. Go first. This is a powerful move. It shows that you're not afraid to share your insights or ask a question, and it inspires others in the room to go after you. I try to do this now as much as possible, especially when there's silence.

2. "Here's my vote." This is a great phrase to use in order to bring a derailed conversation back to its original purpose, or to direct the conversation in a new way. Someone needs to stop the ramblers! 

3. "And my point is this." This grabs people's attention and lets them know you're about to say something important. Their brain will be triggered to listen. I haven't tried this one yet, but plan to do so soon. I think this is also a great personal trigger phrase that reminds us to be concise and wrap up our points more quickly. 


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