Take Control of Your Career

According to Prudential’s Pulse of the American Worker Special Report, 79% of managers say they've told their direct reports what they need to do to get promoted, but only 50% of employees say they’ve communicated this information. Seventy-five percent of managers say their own managers help them develop the skills needed to advance in their careers, yet only 62% of non-managers say the same.

These statistics show that you can't rely on management or even mentors to take the wheel and direct your career - it's up to you. 

What does success mean to me? First, you should define what success looks like for you, because it means something different to everyone. What are your professional and personal motivations? The intersection of these areas is where your success lies. This will help you figure out the direction to take your career.

Assess your skills. Take an inventory of the soft and hard skills you possess. What skills do you need to get to the next level or make a pivot in your current organization or elsewhere? This will help you figure out what skills you should strengthen. 

Communicate up. If your boss hasn't been involved in setting your goals, bring your goals to him/her/them. Create a written plan and timeline for achieving short- and long-term goals. Agree on a schedule for regular check ins and how you will do so (e.g., email, report, or a meeting)

Growth opportunities. Identify people who intrigue you within your organization (or even outside) and try to find ways to learn from them, which will also help you increase your visibility. Consider the skills you identified above. Do you feel excited about gaining new skills in a certain area or up-leveling your skills (i.e., reskilling or upskilling)? Don't limit yourself to formal learning opportunities. There are so many options now - from podcasts to books to free and paid courses online. 

Self-advocate. Most importantly, track your progress toward reaching your goals and maintain regular communication with your boss about what you've achieved. If you are aiming for a promotion, lead the charge in engaging with your boss to set your goals, monitor them, and share your successes. Don't rely on good work to get you where you want to go. Grab the reins and make it happen! 


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